Tuesday, January 2, 2018


the formation of clear and distinct sounds in speech.
"the articulation of vowels and consonants"

clarity in the production of successive notes.
"beautifully polished articulation from the violins"

distinctiveness of both structural/functional
and cosmetic/ornamental features
comprising a whole


Articulation implies some level of carefully constructed complexity and/or deconstructed perplexity,  with “everything in its place” … nothing missing and nothing wasted.  Each syllable in perspicacious language and living has meaning, purpose and weight.  It implies propriety, efficiency, austerity, clarity, completeness – no slurring or slippage.  It also implies “carving out”, as in separating or purifying or creatively and innovatively bringing about something new or better … higher, more aspirational.  There is also an implication of intentionality in articulation. 

Personal note: Much of my personal life has been an amalgamation … a “singularity” of merging eating, sleeping, working, playing, etc., all running together.  At least that’s what is looks like!  I have papers overflowing on my desk – including tax documents, books to be read, notes to be codified, contacts to be contacted, etc.  But it’s rather like mining for aluminum in a city dump instead of in diverse remote locations … at least a large part of the “rendering” process from raw material has been circumvented! 

Speaking of city dumps …, I still tend to amalgamate my mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, green beans and cranberry sauce during holiday feasts! 

My laboratory – in my most productive science days – was similarly “amalgamated” to the uninitiated beholder.  However, I had a very clear mental articulation of what was where, and every critical process had its place and associated accoutrements readily available in situ for maximum efficiency of operation.  Nonetheless, cell culture operations were meticulously articulated in their own right for sterility and technical purity purposes.  And the lab notebooks were meticulously articulated!

What I have found in my more “seasoned” years is that regimented articulation (i.e., more intentional than “habit”) can add both intrinsic and aesthetic value.

When you visit someone else’s home, it’s the articulation you most do or do not appreciate: If things are orderly (as in the case where the person(s) being visited were expecting company), outfitted and spaced “in good taste” – with some degree of intentionality and forethought – clean and neat, it creates a much more pleasant experience than if everything – including dust bunnies and all of one’s “hoardings” – is “amalgamated”.    

Why do we like to go shopping and acquire “new” stuff?  Because of both the articulation in the stores … with everything attractively displayed, clean and neat … and the articulation of new merchandise … separated from everything on the “cutting room floor” :: and separated from sweat, dust, gravy, make-up, tears, snags, dents, scrapes, fading, wrinkles, clothes hanger creases, etc.

Why do we like to eat out?  You guessed it!  Articulation!!  (You fill in the blanks!)

Here we stop to ponder the contrasting images at the top of this offering – the exquisitely articulated mansion outfitted for the holidays versus the bland, neutral, “practical” neighborhood hovel … with everything blanketed in a single color.  (One virtue in the latter case is that the house was just newly painted, covering up a lot of errant articulations of peeling and discolored paint, rust, loose siding, etc.) 

Disclosure: I have a personal aversion to painted brick architecture – particularly to brickwork painted in a way that disarticulates it from surrounding building materials.  Bricks have intrinsic gravitas and should be allowed that distinction! 

Note that errant articulations and disarticulations can cause a lot of angst, stress and discombobulation well beyond their immediate in situ conjunctivation.  A bad hip can do significant damage to one’s back and knees, not to mention one’s “disposition”. 

We can become much better “disposed” by giving more attention to articulation. 

Finally, the importance of clearly articulating what you want and need – and can do without – cannot be overstated.  And WHY!   Remember, it’s got to be purposeful, like you really mean it. 

And re-articulate frequently.  Life requires continuous sculpting, carving the best YOU and your PATH OF DESTINY out of a vast universe of possibilities … moment-to-moment.  Like Michelangelo, create the most vibrant/elegant life-track vision you can conceive – not that you can fit comfortably into but that you can GROW into.  Here’s to a Grand New Year of Grand New Articulations!   Quartermaster

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