Thursday, January 2, 2014

Can't Wait

I’ve always had my share of “stage dread” … if not outright “stage fright”, sometimes with mind-numbing anxiety about being on stage, despite the fact that I’ve been on stage a lot, singing in two barbershop quartets and a chorus plus a men’s ensemble at church – not to mention Rumpelstiltskin in a first grade operetta and Hansel in Hansel and Gretel in sixth grade or playing the Captain in HMS Pinafore some years back.   

However, I am delighted to report that 2013 was a breakthrough year! 

It’s hard to believe that just thinking about things differently can have such a tremendous impact.

Somewhere in the workings, I decided to turn the self-talk kaleidoscope from “Lord have mercy!” to “I can’t wait!”.  That simple change stirs the spirit in such a completely different direction – and makes the overall experience so much more enjoyable. 

So I’ve tried doing the same thing with everything I do – particularly with things that are in any way “unnerving”.   

I seem to be a magnet for unnerving.  At this writing, I am on momentary hiatus from a major-dread domicile renovation involving carpet removal and refinishing about 900 sq. ft. of hardwood flooring – not my preferred sub-specialty by a long shot!  But I’m breaking it down into bite-sized mini-projects and will be getting some major professional help at some point.  For each mini-project, I’m getting better at saying “I can’t wait!” 

The real secret of success in thriving on any stage, of course, is knowing your stuff – knowing in your core that you really CAN do it.  Preparation comes to mind as a key element here.  Once you have put in your 10,000 hours (Malcolm Gladwell), what else can anyone rightfully expect? 
Enough is when you can’t do any more.”
TOIT: A Treasury of Touchstones for Personal Achievement 

At that point, you’ve simply got to put aside the perseveration and angst and GO FOR IT!   

After you have done the best you can, the hell with it!”
Joseph P. Kennedy 

Whatever comes of the venture will rise or fall on its own merit.  So being engaged in something of MERIT is important.   

Finally, doing whatever you do with passion and total intentionality will more than carry the day on stage.  Whatever you do, do it like you mean it!  

Now get out there and DO something wonderful!  I can’t wait to have a positive impact on the world in 2014.  You come too.  Quartermaster  

I am only one; but still I am one.  I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do the something I can do.”
Helen Keller