Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hand In A Vice

A fundamental conundrum in 21st Century life is finding something of intrinsic, compelling, ultimate value into which we can unreservedly pour our time, energy and “unbridled spirit” for the duration.  Life is changing so fast, and there are so many superficial diversions/distractions to navigate through and around, that we remain largely adrift and unanchored in a sea of immense but untended possibilities.  Captain Ahab, adrift in the seven seas looking for an elusive white whale, perhaps reflected the angst of such condition best in “Moby Dick”:

“This is a cogent vice thou hast here, carpenter; let me feel its grip once … I like a good grip; I like to feel something in this slippery world that can hold, man.” 
                        Captain Ahab, Moby Dick, Chapter 108.
Herman Melville

Despite some evidence to the contrary, I believe one will find no shortage of youth who are both interested in and willing to commit to becoming “Ninja Warriors”, “Jedi Knights” and “Captain Ahabs” of the 21st Century, but they don’t have any tangible “grab bars” – or a proper “vice” – they can clamp their hands into that will firmly connect them to that vision or goal. 

Crafting or capturing a Vision, Goal or Dream big enough
to serve as a worthy lifetime pursuit is probably JOB # 1 …
to be explored with all due intentionality
in the course of gaining basic knowledge and skills

But, besides having a worthy vision or goal and “grab bars” or a “vice” by which to latch onto it, there’s the challenge of “fleshing it out” to actionable execution.  Our best resource for both “Visioning” and “fleshing things out” is the disarmingly mundane matter of managing our UNSCHEDULED TIME. 

In the intrepid world of True Champions and Difference Makers, most especially including “Ninja Warriors” and “Jedi Knights”, there is no such thing as “Free Time”. 

Time not otherwise scheduled
is for building our “yellow brick road” to the future,
else we’re simply “killing time” … and losing critical ground.

One might dare to ask:

How much is wasted time going to cost in compromising MY future possibilities?

[Whatever it is, it’s much more
 – with accumulated interest –
than I’m going to be willing to pay retrospectively!]

An even more veiled challenge is that the high standard of living in first-world countries, most notably in the U.S., markedly subverts both the drive and sense of urgency for “fast-tracking” our way to a more profitable future … [it’s already HERE, isn’t it? (!)] … until it isn’t.  Competition in the rapidly growing global economy has had a markedly sobering impact on the formerly formidable U.S. business and industry enterprise.  What has become starkly evident is that:


But, even if we are not “complacent”, there’s the recurring problem of “what to do” with our unscheduled time.  What a tragedy that youth are so frequently and easily BORED!   And what a tragedy that adults so soon feel the crushing and often irreversible impact of lost opportunity. 

It’s a very real challenge to figure out … 
what – most profitably – to do NOW … (in the next five minutes!)
where – most profitably – to go
who – most profitably – to look to for guidance
what – most profitably – to study/research/invest ourselves in NOW

If only we had “Something like a star … to stay our minds on, and be staid.”  [Robert Frost]

Finding a “Star” and defining the Mission, Vision, Goal, Dream, Purpose and/or Passion for one’s lifework can a daunting search.  But such will be both a strong, firmly-gripping, anchoring element and a supreme driving force.  The judicious use of unscheduled time to envision, define, reinforce and “flesh-out” such elements will make an incredible difference in how life plays out and in where we end up.  If you don’t yet have your hand "in a vice", with a Mission, Vision, Goal, Dream, Purpose and/or Passion for your life, find someone who does – or who at least has noble ideals and intentionality – and help that person / organization carry their lifework forward.  It will serve you amazingly well until you can “come into your own”.  Grab hold and Forge Onward!  Quartermaster

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Demon Busting

"The Devil made me do it!"
Flip Wilson

“I fight my demons every day,
so I’ve got to continue to work at it.”
Jared Lorenzen
[en route to a goal of losing 100+ lbs.]

“Demons” seem to permeate our lives.  They show up nearly everywhere we turn. 

But they’re not just “out there” – many of them are embedded in our own constitution, making us our own worst enemy!  The apostle Paul – seeking Divine intervention – possibly said it best:

“... the good that I would, I do not,
and the evil which I would not, that I do!”
Romans 7:19 KJV

Paul understood that we can’t leave everything for the Almighty to keep bailing us out, especially when we keep selling our souls to the devil in “Faustian Bargains” … e.g., for that one, very last piece of cheese cake … for late nights out with the partying crowd … for indiscriminate tweeting and twittering … for not doing our homework … for immediate gratifications of all kinds.    

Fact is: We have “First-Responder” accountability for our own welfare
in dealing with our own “mini-demons”.

“Who’s driving?” is the first issue to be settled.  “Who’s in charge?” 

If we let the “demons” in our over-sized “Pleasure Center” have full reign, they will not only run rampant through all the vices and victimizations in short order, but will grow the Pleasure Center to an unwieldy predominating influence ... if they have not already done so!  

So we have to establish boundaries and keep ahead of the demons, who are experts at moving the goal posts. 

It helps to keep a “loaded” agenda in play, with postings that correspond as closely as possible to our intrinsic values and ultimate goals. 

And it helps immeasurably if our intrinsic values and ultimate goals are both unassailably noble and impeccably articulated.  Establishing and committing to meaningful “stretch goals” – both daily, hourly and life-long – is a great way to keep demons out of the loop.  

Finally, channeling our energies toward the most transcendent Mission, Purpose or Aspiration we can muster will leave most demons in the dust.  Only then can we leave it to the Almighty to take care of the rest! 

Let’s take full charge of our own welfare!  Be brutally intolerant of personal “demons” and unassailably committed to making YOU and YOUR WORLD the very best they can possibly be.  The alternatives are not nearly as attractive as one might think … or as the “demons” might have you believe, particularly compared in retrospect to “what mighta been”.  You’re gonna like the way you feel, and you're gonna like the more favorable space(s) you get to inhabit :: I guarantee it!  Quartermaster

Who ARE You>

Looking in the mirror and having it talk back to you is an unnerving experience: 

What have you got to say for yourself?”
 “ Are you of any salvageable earthly account or not?”
“ And by whose measure or reckoning?”

[While there may be higher “Callings”, the very least we can do is become members in good standing of our own breed – homo sapiens … human beings … worthy “Earthlings”!] 

What we DO – how we behave – reflects a great deal about who we are.    

People will never consistently do who they aren’t.”
Peter Thompson

PT takes up the challenge of explaining how and why stuff happens or doesn’t in a recent video posting [https://peterthomson.wistia.com/medias/ni65kf53eb ].  The two polarities of consideration are that stuff happens … or doesn’t … 1) because of the person presiding over circumstances, or 2) because of the circumstances themselves.  Often, of course, it’s a combination.

But the main element we can control is US!  We can’t always control circumstances … although we CAN to some degree in many cases – if we judiciously IMPOSE who we are and what we do upon the circumstances unfolding. 

It’s entirely possible to make circumstances WORSE!

In his video, Peter references a series of business books by Chip and Dan Heath, including one, “Switch”, in which they make a cogent case for personal IDENTITY being the preeminent factor in durable CHANGE and masterful NAVIGATION … over, around and through circumstances. 

While one can alter “behavioral doings” circumstantially with various rewards and penalties, it’s not until one’s IDENTITY takes the shape of mature, commanding “ownership” of one’s Destiny … and of related projects and processes … that good-to-great things begin consistently to happen.     

So what comprises a “Good-To-Great Things Happening” IDENTITY?  Here are a few things to consider: 
  • 1.    Creed, values, principles, morals, beliefs, integrity, purposefulness
  • 2.    Skills, knowledge, mental and physical acumen, creativity
  • 3.    Emotional and relational “groundings”  
  • 4.    Positive driving forces: Mission, Purpose, Passion, Goals
  • 5.    Total Intentionality and CARING about things that matter

Building our IDENTITY is a lifelong pursuit.  Those who have had the good fortune to experience scouting – either Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts or similar organizations – have had a great start. 

Boy Scout Motto
On my honor, I will do my best 
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; 
To help other people at all times; 
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.

Boy Scout LawA Scout is:
and Reverent.

Boy Scout Motto
Be Prepared!

Boy Scout Slogan
Do a Good Turn Daily!

I found it helpful to create a Personal Manifesto that reflects the IDENTITY to which I aspire.  You may wish to do likewise for quick reference when things get tough.  [I’ll be happy to share a copy of my own upon request.] 

In any case, let’s continue building a “Good-to-Great-Things” IDENTITY for the duration.  You’re gonna like the way you look in the mirror … I guarantee it!   Quartermaster

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

A Rising Tide

PREFACE:  This entry is one of an increasing number related to the challenge of living without a GOAL, MISSION, PURPOSE or PASSION in life – a privation with which I’m finding so many are unfortunately saddled.  Most entries on this topic are about practicalities, though elements of philosophy creep in.

The most important first principle of successful journeying is getting a grip on how life works – take it or leave it … and most of us are a lot better off TAKING IT!  Sustainability is a prime issue.  And “Hard Truths”, FACTS, VALUES and PRINCIPLES have to be FACTored in.  This entry was originally going to be entitled “Time, Energy and Place” (“Place” meaning circumstances or “Station in Life”.)  Let’s see how it turns out!

A rising tide lifts all boats.”
Popular Aphorism

When the national economy improves,
more and better jobs appear, and
 life gets better for everyone.

NOTE: If all you want is a “job”, there are many to be had at the lowest level that offer no sense of challenge, dignity or fulfillment. 

 SOBERING FACT 1:  The “TIDE” of life doesn’t work the same as the tides of the oceans.  One will find sooner or later that the tide of life doesn’t naturally ebb and flow with phases of the moon so you can hop on and off the boat indefinitely, always returning to some prescribed point of entry or departure.  The tide of life “rises” only with applied effort, and “falls” of its own accord without applied effort!  If you happen to be enjoying a “high tide” moment toward which you made no personal contribution, you’re living on “credits” provided by someone else.  This is rarely a sustainable condition!  It happens early in life for a reason: so we can develop – without drowning – to a point of generating a critical mass of our own steam.  Thus, other-generated “credits” diminish over time as we are expected to begin pulling our own weight.

SOBERING FACT 2:  All our boats are “leaky”!  And they’re not anywhere close to “seaworthy” at the beginning of our journey.  A lot of safe-harboring is provided by significant others early in the game (see “credits” above), but “motorizing” and moving from rinky-dinky paddle boats to outboard motor boats to inboards with enough fortification and horsepower (“shark power”?) to get us through rip tide currents and buffeting winds and waves without getting swamped becomes a significant engagement for much of the duration.  It’s the largest part of the overall COST OF LIVING. 

I never saw it coming!”
Plaintive Cry of the Woebegone Inattentive Sailor

The time for taking all measures for a ship’s safety
is while still able to do so.”
Admiral Nimitz

[“That would be NOW!”]

So, while there’s no absolute requirement for a grand GOAL, or VISION, or MISSION, or PASSION, or PURPOSE in life to move us toward getting our ship in shape for the journey, the clock is running, the tide is running, and they’re both running OUT! 

And, while we don’t need to take on noble causes and/or sacrifice life and limb for others, or for humanity in general, we’ve eventually got to float our own boat!  This WILL mean sacrificing indulgences along the way, as well as living well beyond the moment ... building, investing, accruing our own “credit”, and making ourselves USEFUL to others … almost as if we DID have a Mission or Purpose … e.g., like avoiding getting “swamped”! 

The 21st Century is an interesting time in the development of civilization.  Early in social evolution one did “hunting and gathering” solely for one’s own purposes.  However, at this much later date, one can hardly gain anything (legitimately) for one’s own purposes without enriching another: You work to provide goods and services for OTHER people and they reward you with negotiable currency.  Work harder to provide more and better goods and services, and you may become more richly rewarded.  And the tide keeps rising! 

Wait a minute:  Why would anyone want – or ever feel compelled – to do any or all of that? 

In Peter Thompson’s words, it is simply “to be able to live a life of choice.”   The more negotiability and navigability one can acquire, the higher denomination choices one has.  It doesn’t get much simpler than that! 

So what if the choices one already has are more than enough?  Sad to say, many are unrealistically content … in the moment … with small choices – up until they have too many Defining Moments / Moments of Truth and/or NEED choices they can’t have and couldn’t foresee but unknowingly covet: 

All I want is a warm bed,
a kind word,
Ashleigh Brilliant

In his book, “DO IT: Let’s Get off Our Buts”, Peter McWilliams says it takes an average of two hours a day to prepare for the future while we’re scrambling (or NOT!) to make it through a 24 hr. day.  That’s 14 hours a week … perhaps 7 hours on Saturday and 7 hours on Sunday if you can’t do it during week days.  That’s actually not a lot compared to an average of 30+ hr. per week that Americans spend watching television, not to mention unnumberable hours of immersion in social media.  Take a week off, and you’ve lost more than half a day in building a strong foundation for the most promising future possibilities. 

So let’s take a couple of hours today – steal it if you have to, a couple hours tomorrow, and make it a daily habit to keep the tide rising under our own boats.  Yes, it will also help float the boats of others, but we’ll all get dividends, and maybe create a “tidal wave” of even greater possibilities for an even brighter future.  Quartermaster