Tuesday, June 7, 2016


["Ask Marilyn", Parade Magazine, May 29, 2016, p. 10]

I’m in Mensa, where I’ve been discussing this question with other members for years: What is the reason we are here?”

Marilyn’s Response:
I think it depends on your spiritual beliefs.  If you have a religion, it provides the answer.  But if you don’t believe in a god, the question contradicts your thinking.   Having a reason implies having a purpose, which indicates an intelligent being for cognitive power with intent.  That’s what people call a god.  So if you don’t believe a god exists, you can’t believe a reason exists.  You must settle for assuming we got here through some natural process, and that’s that.” 

The answer seemed a little brief.  I thought we might expand the discussion a bit.

Considering a non-deified “Purpose” would depend on exactly where we find ourselves in the universe, where we have been, and what tools we carry. 

The “Naturalists” among us might say our Purpose is defined by our DNA.  In fact, some would say we are merely “carriers” of a blueprint for the next generation … simply a means for propagating genetic hardware.  Played out to its logical or illogical conclusion, this would mean our expanded Purpose would be to do everything possible to assure the propagation of DNA was sustainable.  That might include such things as giving due attention to health and wellbeing; taking care of the earth and its associated resources for future generations; becoming economically viable and not going mercilessly into debt; etc. 

Another component of a non-deified Purpose might be to figure out as much as possible about the universe we inhabit while we’re here ... and, since we ARE here, figure out ways to make “BEING HERE” the best it can be. 

These beginnings suggest that – at least in circumstances where an external Purpose is not otherwise imposed – we get to decide for ourselves what our overarching PURPOSE will be.  Happy Day!  But it does carry an implied understanding that we will responsibly execute the fulfillment of that Purpose.  Again, sustainability is a key element in whatever Purpose we choose to decree or adopt. 

Whether one chooses a non-deified or a deified pretext/context, the outcomes are often astounding:  

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart  was a prolific and influential composer … [who] showed prodigious ability from his earliest childhood. Already competent on keyboard and violin, he composed from the age of five and performed before European royalty.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart

Persons thus blessed, either way, with incredible talent are “locked in” to a defining Purpose from their earliest beginnings. 

My purpose within the next two hours is to get the lawn mowed, water the garden and clean up a desk unapologetically littered with remnants of diggings about the universe. 

So [now that THAT’S done], what about the rest of us (who are not “Mozarts”)?  

Place and circumstance matter.  A person in North Korea is primarily “Purposed” [by the “Supreme Leader”] to serve the dictates of the Supreme Leader … i.e., relegated to being a small cog in a big wheel.  A person in the US, finding himself or herself in a much more openly engaged but competitive civilization, must individually UP their game to distinguish themselves as either a unique cog or a unique wheel. 

In the least restrictive case, the DNA metaphor remains compelling.  No matter how or “why” our DNA has been bestowed – whether by Natural, Unnatural or Supernatural forces – what we’re “made of” should equip us at least to be USEFUL if not overtly PURPOSEFUL. 

Philosophies have evolved to provide some reflective context.  Hedonism, of course, abounds.  And asceticism – perhaps as an antidote to hedonism – has had its day.  And multitudes of philosophies fall in between – take your pick!

Perhaps our Purpose is covertly buried in “Who we are”, and if we find out “Who that is”, our Purpose will become self-evident?

Early in life, we’re “Joe’s son” or “Geraldine’s Daughter”.  Then we may become a “plumber”, “electrician”, “teacher”, “chef”, “administrator” … or, perhaps, even “President”!  Just as we grow into bigger “WHOS”, we increase in “WHYSdom”. 

If we take Maslow’s Pyramid to heart, our Purpose should evolve: from satisfying fundamental physiological needs … to assuring our safety … to developing effective and affirmative relationships with others … to building a portfolio of accomplishment and respect … to a pinnacle of meaningful self-actualization.

Finally, our overall Purpose may simply be to become ONE with the Cosmos.  From dust to dust and all the rest, we’re a part of what IS, so we might as well make the best run at it that we can.  It may be all the Purpose we’ll ever need! 

Whatever Purpose you choose, or whatever Purpose may have been thrust upon you … or whatever Purpose you can grow into, as you journey, may the most positive Cosmic Force(s) be with you!  Quartermaster

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