Monday, October 6, 2014

Wind In Your Sails

In the “Bite Sizing” blog (, it was noted that putting air in bike tires (i.e., increasing the pressure) makes the biking experience so much easier/better.  To the uninitiated, that may seem like “cheating”.  And so it may be!  It’s going out of your way to make life easier and more manageable.  So is going the longer way around hills to avoid an impossibly arduous climb to the top.  So is riding in the cool of the morning rather than the heat of the day.  So is “conditioning” or “capacitizing”.  So is preparation.  So is having adequate nutrition under your belt and water and electrolyte replenishment readily available.  So is having a “pace-maker” riding ahead.  So is having a coach to keep pushing, goading, encouraging from behind.  So is having a personal goal to beat – like yesterday’s best time/highest gear for the biggest hill (i.e., having adequate internal pressure).   

 “Vectoring” against a headwind is another form of strategic “cheating”.  For simplicity, let’s just call it “strategizing”.  It’s like taking the gradual slope in hiking around a mountain or “tacking” against the wind in sailing.  Either way, it’s “bite-sizing” – nibbling around the edges of a large challenge in terms we are best equipped to manage.   

While one can’t always have the wind at our backs and “wind beneath our wings” – these are external forces which are difficult or impossible to control – there are, nonetheless, several strategies one can employ for creating “favorable turbulence”.    

I.              You can gamble, if you feel “lucky” [Not really a recommended “core strategy”!]
II.            You can invest or get a loan to get you over an obstructing hump
III.           You can “Double-Down” on the effort
IV.          You can engender the interest and support of significant others 

Engendering and acquiring the interest and support of significant others is the preferred core strategy here.  And “Doubling-Down” is an extremely effective way to start this ball rolling.  One can call it the “band wagon” strategy, and it generally creates substantial “ripple effects” (favorable turbulence).   

It is an ingrained law of nature that persons interested in advancement
cannot resist association with – and promotion of – enterprises that demonstrate
the inclination, potential and probability of going somewhere. 

Every true “fan” proudly wears the team colors, and many have specific player names and numbers sewn to their jerseys.   

Keep bite-sizing, keep vectoring, “Double-Down” as you can, and watch your team colors start to catch some wind.  Next time someone asks you “What’s happening?”, tell them “Unbridled Magnificence!”, and then share with them what you’ve got to show for it.  Give them a good reason to hop on the band wagon, put some wind beneath your wings, and help move the A-Team at YOU, Inc. forward.  Quartermaster

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