Sunday, February 12, 2012


A large component of our negotiable currency in life arises from how WELL we do things.  The better we do things and the more things we do well, the larger the rewards we will enjoy and the less hassle we will have to endure.  Some folks are successful in placing all their energy and attention into one thing which they do VERY well, allowing them to rise to the top of their field.  [NOTE: This does not generally include people who do only video games very well or who primarily perseverate very well or who worry very well or who find fault with other people very well.] 

However, many people do many things very well, and these are generally the most fulfilled, overall.  This includes people with mild-to-moderate forms of obsessive-compulsive disorder.  For such folks, things have to be done, they have to be done right, and they have to be done NOW – or ELSE!  [It’s actually hard to fault such an orientation as a general formula for success, as long as it doesn’t involve the pursuit of trivial, incidental or “phobic” contrivances.  And while it’s often difficult to live with (!), it can be extremely effective.]  
Systematic wellness engagement (as in “Total Intentional Living”) provides an excellent basis for self-efficacy, self-esteem, personal satisfaction, and fulfillment.  A welcome fringe benefit is that it increases our capacity to do even more better.  Wellness advances our currency and stature on the world stage and creates opportunities.  Wellness improves attitude and rewards and reinforces discipline. Consistently doing things well minimizes stress, depression and despondency.  Doing things well is “enlifening”.  It provides a sense of dignity and distinction, “legitimizes” our existence and ingrains professionalism.  Wellness demands and enhances care-full-ness, critical thinking and creativity.  Wellness gets us more of what we deserve, more of what we want and more of what we need.  Wellness is a manifestation of excellence in action.  Wellness provides a certain amount of indemnification, holding us harmless against the perils and liabilities of mediocrity.  Wellness affords us the luxury of higher echelon compeer engagement. Wellness is an integral part of Continuous Quality Improvement and Total Quality Management.   Wellness utilizes practices and principles which translate across all arenas of life. 

Unfortunately, “wellness” is not contagious.  In fact, it has to be pursued with great effort, purpose and intentionality, and it must be firmly grasped and definitively wrestled to the mat.  To the naïve and unschooled unwell, “wellness” appears to result from pure luck, from cheating or from some unfathomable (and unfair) act of Grace.  But, curiously, once a beachhead of wellness is established, it tends to ingrain itself as a commanding standard for the duration. 

“Whatever you do, make certain it is done well.
Practice and perpetuate ‘wellness’.
You will have much in which to take pride and few regrets.”

1 comment:

  1. Rather than "ignorant bliss", so many of the "naive" and "unschooled unwell" live in a state of ignorant misery.
