Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Virtual Reality YOU

Motivational speakers frequently promote the idea of imagining one’s Dream Job or ideal circumstance as a means toward actually achieving it.  

A football coach, for example, may exhort his quarterback to envision himself throwing game-winning touchdown passes or a basketball coach may encourage his players to envision themselves tossing up buzzer-beating shots to win a national championship.

Various means of “incarnating” this idea have been suggested, including creating a “Treasure Board” with photos of prizes to be won, goals to be achieved, and picture-perfect endings to be experienced. 

NOTE:  As generally presented, these machinations sound like a bunch of hocus-pocus – and often are:  If one merely pictures things materializing out of thin air without putting in the blood-sweat-and-tears effort to make them happen, they almost certainly won’t!

Nonetheless, more than random or coincidental numbers of extremely compelling personal testimonies have accrued to support the case.  So I had to ask:

How can/How could this be?

After years of summarily dismissing the idea and roundly discrediting its purveyors, I reluctantly stumbled upon an explanation in a single word:  


Oh, and how so?

It turns out that a compelling, subliminal force may become embedded in the “Visioning” exercises noted above that can actually propel one forward.  To remain ever-vigilant in pursuing an envisionable goal – no matter how lofty … in fact, the more lofty the better (!) … has the effect of minimizing distractions, maximizing focus, and keeping the heat of time and effort applied to a specified pursuit with purposeful intent.  Thus, by routinely checking out the “Treasure Board”, either physically or mentally, one will spend a lot less time absent-mindedly engaged in social media, in watching TV and movies, in playing video games, etc., and a lot more time chasing a Dream. 

DESIRE is important!  And COMMITMENT is important!

Prockmorton’s Postulation
Visioning is merely an expression of desire,
and the HD detail and Technicolor hues in the visioning representation
provide an indication of the degree of commitment.  

If men could regard the events of their lives with more open minds,
they would frequently discover that they did not [sufficiently] desire
the thing they failed to obtain.” 
André Maurois

NOTE: Merely “wishing” for something and waiting “until our ship comes in” is like trying to fly a kite with no wind.  Desire is the wind and commitment is its generator. 

A fully engaged Visioning exercise also puts us on a track in which we are actively LOOKING FOR THINGS to advance our pursuit – things we may not know or even imagine actually exist but that we serendipitously stumble upon and immediately recognize as applicable and can easily grasp. 

“ … chance favors only the prepared mind.”
Louis Pasteur

Thus, if you have some idea of where you’re going and what you’re looking for, and if you put yourself in enough strategically “opportune” places [see “Be A Player ], you’re much more likely to find critical pavers for the “Yellow Brick Road” you’re building. 

Otherwise, we end up tripping over, cursing and dismissing things that could possibly serve as sling-shot accelerators toward our goal … things that could perhaps even send us off into hyper-dimensional pursuit of an even more auspicious goal! 

A “sling-shot accelerator” is a paradoxical contrivance.  In order for a sling-shot to work, it has to be forcibly pulled back into a hyperextended, “cocked” disequilibrium before its full power can be unleashed.  

Visioning, Visioning, Visioning “frames” the desired outcome.
            Preparation, Preparation, Preparation sets the foundation.
                        Engagement, Engagement, Engagement makes us a PLAYER. 
                                    Momentum, Momentum, Momentum keeps us moving toward the goal. 

Momentum is the only thing that will overcome
the stand-off
 Principle V::Ertia Unlimited

If you’re facing circumstances replete with irresistible forces and immoveable objects, keep moving!  Go off-track, if necessary (change circumstances?), to gain better perspective … better Visioning, Prepare like you mean it, Engage with anyone and everyone who can help you get where you want to go, and KEEP MOVING!  Quartermaster

If you’re not being propelled forward by a bold VISION of a better YOU and an audacious DREAM of more prosperous circumstances, your DREAM may be too small.  

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