Monday, January 19, 2015

Random Walk Ponderings

“[The] random walk is a mathematical [representation] of a path that consists of a succession of random steps. For example, the path traced by a molecule as it travels in a liquid or a gas, the search path of a foraging animal, the price of a fluctuating stock and the financial status of a gambler can all be modeled as random walks … Random walks explain the observed behaviors of many processes … and thus serve as a fundamental model for the recorded stochastic activity.”

In chemistry and physics, the random walk describing molecular activity is often represented as the trajectory of a befuddled drunk trying to find his way home after a barn-burner night on the town.   

While life is not entirely like a Random Walk, it can have a very similar lack of trajectory and outcome if not strategically guided and purposefully engaged – by some means.  Who’s driving and to what perceived destination makes a big difference! 

As Maslow pointed out [“in his 1943 paper ‘A Theory of Human Motivation’ in Psychological Review's_hierarchy_of_needs], both voluntary and involuntary driving forces are at work in the human soma and psyche that essentially “direct” our behavior.  

But once fundamental / baseline needs are met, the trajectory becomes a bit “fuzzy”. 

In fact, “fuzziness” seems to be our preferred or intrinsic modus operandi: Unless imposed upon by external forces (parents, teachers, coaches, other “authority” figures or new and different circumstances), we tend to leave imprints in the sand that appear to be entirely random.  And WHEN imposed upon by such forces, we tend to react with more than equal force in completely opposite directions!

However, when not imposed upon by external forces, the Second Law of Thermodynamics tends to take over:

“Any system left to itself tends toward the state of greatest disorder.”

A third behavioral profile relates to the need/desire for stability: In this case, we seek out the most pleasurable pursuit with the least hassle – camping out as close to our comfort zone as possible for the duration.  Complete randomness is avoided in this profile by getting in a rut and continuing in that direction until it doesn’t work anymore. 

[Insert your own favorite “Roadrunner” cartoon here]

NOTE: Complete randomness beyond this point is further reduced by constraining factors that progressively limit our available options / open paths the further we go in our “rut”; if you haven’t gotten the certifications required for advanced navigation, you can’t navigate the deepest waters. 

So the random walk, “fuzziness” and “rut-running” have lousy track records in getting us where we want – or NEED … or “deserve” – to go. 

Fight “randomness”, “fuzziness” and “rut-running” every step of the way!  Hitch your wagon to a STAR.  Dream BIG and don’t let Dreams and Goals go untended.  Be purposeful.  Be totally intentional!  Become the Commanding Officer of your own Destiny – the principal Driving Force in your own journey.  Quartermaster

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