Monday, October 24, 2011


Each week, my friend Michael, a library sciences professional, asks me what I'm reading.  I assume he wants to make sure I'm continually enriching my life!  So I'm trying to expand my reading horizons.  But purpose and content -- with some degree of intentionality -- are important.  So it's become one of many disciplines I need to work on ... along with eating right, exercising, getting organized, learning my music for the Christmas show, preparing materials for a patent application, and quite a few others.  I'm wondering:  What are you reading and what "Disciplines" are you pursuing/practicing/perfecting this week?   Let's unfasten our couch potato seat belts and go for it!!

 “We live by a saying at the French Laundry: ‘Do a little better each day.’”   Grant Achatz [quoted by Thomas Keller, Time Magazine, May 2, 2011]

Friday, October 21, 2011

Welcome 21st Century Adventurer!

The purpose of Life Mastery Musings to develop and cultivate an A-Team -- a team of individuals committed to positive change in the world, in their own lives and in the lives of those around them.  Understanding how the world works, understanding what the world expects of us, and building our capacities to meet those expectations to the full extent of our potential will be the primary focus of this blog.  The recommended attire is coveralls.   Here's to the winners we all want to be! 
“Even if you are not always visibly moving forward, at least leaning in that direction and having the inclination bears its own fruit eventually.”                                              Lewis Kelly