Monday, April 22, 2019

Dance With Life

In 1996, Susan Jeffers, Ph.D., released a book entitled “End the Struggle and Dance with Life” (St. Martin’s Press)

This book had some great advice for people completely overrun by life’s circumstances.  Jeffers, personally, had not only driven herself to obtain a Ph.D., but distinguished herself as a prolific writer, been divorced, and was enduring treatment for cancer. 

However, while anyone in Jeffers’ shoes is absolutely entitled to “End the Struggle” … it is not necessarily advised otherwise!  If you don’t have your Ph.D., haven’t distinguished yourself in anything, and haven’t yet endured any number of life’s most traumatizing circumstances, you’re not off-the-hook!   I noted with particular interest the title of one of Jeffers’ previous books – written while she was still struggling and not yet dancing – “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway!” 

Today, while freezing my butt directing traffic at the Kentucky Horse Park, I found that “dancing” helps while you’re deeply embedded within the struggle! 

I had signed up to help the Rotary Club manage a huge traffic control challenge during the annual Kentucky Farm Bureau Farm Equipment Auction.  Trucks loaded with equipment, trucks with empty trailers coming to bid on equipment, and single vehicles had to be guided to different areas, and they all came in – and out – from a tri-state area between 6:30 am and noon.  I’m sure it was comical for anyone watching, but I found that “dancing” my way through the inevitably threatening traffic jams was the only way to survive!  (It was also cold and I had to keep moving!)

Here’s some important background on the “dancing” phenomenon:

Archimedes, jumping into a bath tub full of water and seeing it overflow, yelled “Eureka!  Two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time!”  [ ] (Well, it was a little more complicated than that, but that’s the take-away for this discussion.)  Modern Quantum Mechanics took the issue to the sub-atomic level
[ ], but the “Two Body Problem” has been a perennially confounding conjecture.  Quantum Mechanics has advanced attempts at a resolution by including the concept of motion.  Pushing that notion forward, the Quartermaster at EU has resolved the issue by restating it thus: “Two bodies cannot occupy the same space at the same time … unless they’re dancing!” 

So I’ve begun DANCING! 

If you really want the full impact of the “two bodies occupying the same space at the same time” thought, check out the following Facebook Post from Engineering Discoveries:

Wow!  Figure THAT one out!!

Back to dancing … It turns out that the choreography doesn’t really matter, as long as you keep moving.  Key Point: It helps to ANTICIPATE what’s coming next … and to have some place to go … and be “leaning” in that direction, else you risk serious discombobulation. 

To begin “dancing”, try to capture or create a “rhythm” in what you’re doing.  Spirituals sung in the cotton fields and drum beats in the African bush made onerous activities much less debilitating.  Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi suggests we find or create a sense of “Flow” in the engagement with everyday life (Basic Books, 1997).  When things really get stressed, swaying to the blues may help – or switching to defiant “Rock ‘n Roll”!  Or let the “Sound of Music” carry you along:

When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad

When working in a tight kitchen with many cooks, DANCE!  When caught in heavy traffic, DANCE!   When caught in a mass of people attending a popular public event, DANCE!  When preparing dinner, DANCE!  When crossing the street as a pedestrian, DANCE with the traffic.  When mowing the lawn, DANCE!  When pulling weeds, DANCE!  When cleaning the bathroom, DANCE! 

My own “dancing” when things get tough or tight generally consists of repetitive, semi-rhythmic physical activities – like climbing stairs, doing squats at my desk, lifting lead bricks, or doing floor exercises … or taking a walk around the neighborhood … “dancing”.  It helps FOCUS attention and facilitates “thought-processing”: Writer’s block generally clears in between 90 seconds and 5 minutes!  

The Rhythm of Life keeps changing.  Sometimes it’s frenetic, sometimes contemplative, sometimes completely baffling.  Sometimes it’s Brahms or Beethoven or Mozart, sometimes it’s Stravinsky, sometimes Calypso, sometimes Blues, sometimes Jazz, sometimes Asian, sometimes Mariachi, sometimes African …  Find or create your own way of DANCING, tap into a rhythm that matches the moment, and keep life happening.  Feel the fear and do it anyway – and don’t think you have to do it alone!    Quartermaster

Thursday, April 11, 2019


We live every day with illusions.  Some of these illusions are necessary – just to make enough sense in our own corner of the world to be able to function with minimal angst … until, at some point, the illusions no longer work.   Then we either face the truth and consequences and “new realities” or create even more preposterous illusions to assuage the discomfort in our comfort zone – or attempt to explain away our discomfort or blame it on someone or something else! 

·         People believed the earth was flat … until they actually sailed around it.
·         People believed the earth was the center of the universe (geocentrism) … until Copernicus, affirmed by Galileo, declared  the sun as the center – not of the entire universe but of the local solar system (heliocentrism)

Some illusions are imposed on us by others ... like Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, and the Easter Bunny.  … and like we’re special (so we have a measurable level of self-esteem.) … like we don’t have to “sweat the small stuff” … like “takin’ care o’ business” is “struttin’ your stuff” on a street corner … and like being cynical, misanthropic, using foul language, being demeaning/recalcitrant/defiant and subversive not only elevates us in some twisted fashion but is “cool” …   

Magicians create illusions to startle and amaze us ... because the more preposterous things are, the more inclined we are to believe them! 

But we don’t need much outside help to get ourselves virtually wired with illusions.  We create for ourselves the illusion that our time is infinite … that we are immortal … that we’re OK just the most depraved way we are (whatever that is) … that if we “don’t feel like it”, we shouldn’t be bothered doing it … that tomorrow will take care of all the indiscretions of today …

Perhaps the most unwitting illusion is “taking things for granted” … the failure to recognize or acknowledge the numbers and amounts of subsidies that contribute to our success and well being. 

A small child was seen gleefully skipping all the black floor tiles in the hospital corridor while hanging onto the hands of two adults.  I did it all by myself,” she exclaimed as she cleared the last tile.  Well, not exactly!

The free market has worked its magic”, claimed the Barnett Shale Energy Education Council in 2012, referring to a natural gas boom created by a drilling company innovation.  However, this “free market success” was built on more than $100 million in government-funded research over a period of 20 years to develop the shale fracking process – in the face of scathing corporate criticism – and billions more in tax breaks.  The federal energy subsidies for  “… gas and petroleum industries altogether accounted for about $2.8 billion in federal energy subsidies in fiscal 2010.”  [Kevin Begos, Associated Press]

Overcoming our illusions is a life-long struggle. 

Some illusions are more difficult to shake than others.  Samplings include:
  • Life just continues to get better
  • The world owes me a job and a double-digit hourly income
  • All income is “earned” income
  • All income is “discretionary”
  • A credit limit is the same a spendable income
  • Anything I can get away with is fair game
  • Unscheduled time is “free” time
  • Everybody is equal, but I’m special [“… some are more equal … “]
But illusions are not necessarily all bad.  Scientists would be hamstrung without them … in which case, their “illusions” are called “hypotheses”.  The only difference between scientists thinking as scientists and the rest of us is that scientists insist on TESTING their illusions, and then adjust their thinking to accommodate “new realities” according to the outcomes experienced. 

CAUTIONARY NOTE: Illusions can easily turn into DELUSIONS without warning!   (Rogue scientists have been caught fabricating data to conform to their favorite hypotheses!)   

NOTE 2:  The most seductive illusions are “Conspiracy Theories” … carrying the aura of divination and inside-tracking of alternative “Truer Truths”.  It is, indeed, intoxicating to “discover” that the Mayan civilization originated on Mars!  

Those brave enough and/or interested enough in exploring more of life’s “New Realities” will find the following reference a great resource:   An Eschatological Laundry List:  A Partial Register of the 927 (or was it 928?) Eternal Truths”.   This list appears in "If you meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him!" by Sheldon B. Kopp.  Published by Bantam Books, ISBN 0-553-27832-0.

A sampling:
1) This is it!
2) There are no hidden meanings.
3) You can’t get there from here, and besides there’s no place else to go.
4) Nothing lasts.
5) There is no way of getting all you want.
6) You can’t have anything unless you let go of it. 

REALITY can be a tough traveling companion … and “New Realities” can be even tougher, especially if one’s expectations are embedded in VIRTUAL reality – or simply in “the way things have always been”.  [NOTE: Neverland is called “Neverland” for a reason!]  But life is always evolving and nudging us to “grow into our full potential”, with the “tough stuff” meant to “toughen us up”.  We need to do REALITY CHECKS and HACK into every possibility life offers.   You will be amazed at what you can do and become by consistently OVERCOMING!  Quartermaster