Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Brain Sum I

At this dawning of the 21st century, we don’t know everything we’d like to know or need to know about the Brain.  But we know enough to set a more profitable course in life than we generally carry out, observe or experience. 

The key point here is that, operationally, we know a lot more than we apply. 

We know that CHOICES are brain-based, and that poor choices yield poor outcomes, but we continue to choose poorly. 

We know that “unbridled”, brain-based behavioral driving forces of PLEASURE and IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION far exceed the power of disciplined CAPACITIZATION and the pursuit of DISTANT GOALS.   

We know that the SEVEN CARDINAL VICES are hard-wired brain baggage and have to be over-ridden – with a great deal of higher-self / brain-based intentionality – to attain a reasonable stature and quality of life.

We are at least peripherally aware of ANIMAL INSTINCTS that probably derived from an evolutionary requirement for survival and perpetuation of the species, but that often over-ride “good sense” or “common sense”, and that, given free reign, can absolutely shut down advancement toward self-actualization [Maslow].  

We know that we have an innate, brain-based SELF-WILL, which saddles us with an aversion to any imposition against our “natural tendencies” … with a particular aversion to “authority” ... including “government over-reach”.

We know that GOOD HABITS and BAD HABITS are brain-based and that GOOD HABITS require a lot more effort, intentionality, higher-self engagement and discipline. 

We know that EXECUTIVE FUNCTION (“higher-self” engagement) is extremely important in decision-making, judgment, behavioral choices and outcomes, and personal development/ advancement/achievement … and we know that much of that activity is based in the PRE-FRONTAL CORTEX of the brain … and we know that this part of the brain does not come fully developed; it has to be CONSTITUTED, CULTIVATED and CURATED FROM SCRATCH!

We now know that there is a significant-to-amazing level of “neuroplasticity” in the brain, such that life-long development of brain capacity and functionality can occur, as well as significant repair/rewiring in response to damage or disease. 

There is also reason to suspect that NEGATIVE Neuroplasticity … i.e., atrophy or degenerative change … follows toxic exposure and/or unchallenging engagement. 

We are learning that selectively directed brain engagement not only can create “breakthrough” advancement in individual academic progress, i.e., to close “achievement gaps”, but can significantly enhance IQ.  

Evidence is accruing to suggest that EXERCISE facilitates brain development, functionality and remodeling … as if to prepare one for emergency action or higher level functionality in more challenging circumstances.  

We know that brain-based MOTIVATION has a defining role in human development. 

We know that brain-based VISIONING, and the pursuit of elevated and distant GOALS and HORIZONS have defining roles in human development. 

We know that brain-seated ATTITUDE is critical to advanced human development and functioning. 

We know that PERSPECTIVE and CONTEXT are critical to advanced human functionality, and strongly suspect that these are elements directly associated with EXECUTIVE FUNCTION … and do not come pre-wired.

We know that the development of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE – also not “pre-wired” – is critical to advanced functionality. 

From general observation, we surmise that brain-based SCRIPTING, very similar to computer systems scripting, operates with a “Garbage in …Garbage out” conformity.  Thus, one can’t expect to engage in quantum mechanics exploration, rocket science or brain surgery with baseline and mainline inputs from trivial pursuits, such as “People Magazine”, “The National Enquirer”, YouTube, video games and social media … or, most recently, “FAKE NEWS”!   

From these rudimentary understandings, it is clear that we come into the world with a brain that is largely a tabula rasa with only primitive pre-wired functionality, and that, while it has incredible capacity for development of incredibly high-order functionality, the quality and quantity of INPUT – or lack thereof – determines how useful or useless it will become. 

Stated more simply, highest order functionality does not come from sloppy, inattentive, “easy” and undisciplined brain engagement – and certainly not from toxic conditions – but from highly selective, totally intentional and positively directed engagement. 

This is all we really NEED to know in 2017.  But you may want to note that it significantly supersedes Robert Fulgham’s platitude of 1998: “All I need to know I learned in kindergarten”.  Life becomes increasingly complex over time and is a scramble for the duration.  But, well and carefully crafted, life can yield amazing rewards. 

Following a virtuoso performance at the Kennedy Center, universally acclaimed violinist, Fritz Kreisler, was approached by a devoted fan who gushed, “Mr. Kreisler, I would give my life to be able to play as you have played!” 

Mr. Kreisler could only reply, “I did!” 

How will your performance measure up to your full potential and from what life-long pursuit(s)?  Let’s make sure our brain development is on the most positive track possible.  Feed your brain the most challenging and generative “fiber” and “fodder” you can find and see what wonders it can do!   Quartermaster

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Reality Gap

Here’s a near-absolute Truth to consider:

Everything you deserve is going to take everything you’ve got!

This sobering observation compels one to ask four indelicate questions:

   1.  If you are not giving life “everything you’ve got, WHY NOT? *

Special Note 1:  Subsidies of early life eventually run out. 

Special Note 2:  “Entitlements” don’t count and are off the table.
Special Note 3:  Virtual Realities are off the table. 
2.     Is there anything you don’t understand about the word “Everything”?
3.    Is there anything you don’t understand about “everything you’ve got”?
4.    How far short of “everything you deserve” are you willing to settle?

Increasing angst has been raised about “Achievement Gaps” in public schools.  A larger truth and concern is that we have “Achievement Gaps” well beyond the public schools; it’s only documented by standardized testing in the public school system, but not otherwise.  Consider the numbers of homeless nationwide … the numbers of people working well below their potential … the numbers of people simply “putting in time” and collecting a paycheck … the numbers of people being “passed over” for promotions … the numbers of people inextricably stuck in minimum wage jobs … the numbers of people permanently disqualified for employment (averaging 1.7 permanent terminations per day at the University of Kentucky). 

While there are many reasons for achievement gaps that fall well beyond any individual’s personal control (such as being born into poverty, having no positive role models, being surrounded by low-achieving/low-expectation compatriots, lack of access to personal development tools and resources), many of us fail to take anything beyond minimal advantage of things that are within our personal control.  We waste time, we eat poorly, we don’t exercise, we procrastinate, we make excuses, we over-spend, we under-invest, we don’t adequately prepare, we accept poor quality output, we rationalize, we hide behind tribal truths, and we take our virtual entitlements much too literally and liberally.  Truth be told, we’d just simply rather NOT if we don’t HAVE TO!

The concern of this sojourner is that we STOP hiding behind the conjecture that “we’re only human” and that everything negative in our lives is due to “government overreach” and START taking advantage of the fact that we ARE human and we ARE the government where our personal achievement gaps and personal advancement are concerned! 

So what grandiose benchmarks should we be shooting for?  How high is UP?  And how much is ENOUGH?  

ENOUGH is when you can’t do any more!” 
P. Pastmaster

“You only have to do what you can do,
but you have to do that much.”
Garrison Keillor

The consequences of our Reality Gap stretch across all strata in America:

  • ·         High school students are not job-ready or college-ready
  • ·         College students are not career-ready
  • ·         Few overall are Life-Ready

As a result, foreign nationals, primarily from Asia, are taking top positions in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and Medicine – to a point that we soon may have to re-think the “birther” requirement for the U.S. Presidency!  

  … and it’s got the same root underpinnings:

1)    Low and pandering expectations
2)    An innate drive for immediate gratification
3)    Lack of Discipline
4)    Lack of Personal Responsibility
5)    Too much vested trust that the future will simply get better despite our worst effort
6)    Dreams that don’t match reality
7)    Visions of the future are too shortsighted
8)    There is a marked absence of a sense of URGENCY
9)    “Significance” has been dumbed-down to radio talk-show hype
10) Nobody wants to MISS anything (ergo a fixation on streaming social media)

While large numbers of citizenry are languishing in an America that’s struggling to become “Great Again”, over-achievers are over-achieving, immigrants are working their way UP in the world from the very bottom – driven by LARGE Dreams, and, as noted above, foreign nationals are populating increasing numbers of elite jobs, careers and leadership positions. 

The resulting vacuum between where we find ourselves and what “Coulda been” is filled with mountains of regret, Defining Moments, Moments of Truth, Stress, and pandering castigation of political ineptitude. 

We can do better!  The “Best that’s IN us” has yet to be fully realized.  Our understanding of how the world works may need to be upgraded.  Our priorities could be better.  Our choices could be better.  Our discipline could be firmer.  Our use of “unscheduled time” could be more purposeful.  And our sense of URGENCY could be sharpened.  Let’s fill these REALITY GAPS, and our “Achievement Gaps” will begin to disappear.  And America – at least OUR personal stake in it – will much more assuredly become GREAT again!  Quartermaster

*For example:  How much of your life are you investing in television, YouTube, social media, video games, anti-social media, and/or other “off-tracking” activities that do not contribute to either your personal, your family’s or your organization’s wellbeing or future potential?